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House Majority PAC Launches Spanish Language Television Ad In CA-22


Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC is launching its first television ad in advance of California’s March 5th primary election. The Spanish language ad, ‘Defensor’, highlights Rudy Salas’ work to expand mental health care, combat Valley Fever, and help pass a proposal that guarantees women’s rights to control their own bodies. 

WATCH ‘Defensor’ HERE

‘Defensor’ Transcript:

“El Demócrata Rudy Salas es un defensor incansable de nuestra salud: 

“Amplió la atención de la salud mental y se ha enfocado en combatir la Fiebre del Valle. 

“Su legislación fue crítica para mantener la puertas abiertas del hospital medico Kern

“Y Rudy ayudó a pasar una propuesta que garantiza los derechos de las mujeres de controlar sus propios cuerpos. 

“Rudy Salas – por la salud, la justicia y nuestros derechos.”


English Translation: 

“Democrat Rudy Salas is a tireless advocate for our health. 

“He expanded mental health care and has focused on combating Valley Fever”

“His legislation was critical to keeping the doors of the Kern medical hospital open.

“And Rudy helped pass a proposal that guarantees women’s rights to control their own bodies.

”Rudy Salas – for health, justice, and our rights.”


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